Shipping Policy

Order Processing Times

Shipping and delivery times may vary. Typically, orders for in-stock items will be processed within 1-3 business days but may be processed within just 24 hours. We appreciate your patience as we are always committed to processing and shipping your order as quickly and safely as possible.

Custom orders will vary by product, to make sure the processing time, you may check the product description.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with shipment tracking information. This is just a rough estimate of your delivery date, for more real-time updates contact us, please.

In some cases, a shipping confirmation may be slightly delayed even though the package is already on its way to you.

Shipping Methods

  • All orders for FREE worldwide shipping right now. 
  • It usually takes 6-12 business days to get our products. If you do not receive our products for more than 12 business days, we will contact you the first time and re-ship the goods according to your suggestions.

Shipping Free

All orders are for FREE shipping.  

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